
If you're on the mailing list, you're a member. It's that simple. We use mailman to maintain the list. Visit the Pikes-peak-pm page to subscribe.

As of this Web page update, there are 37 on the mailing list. Only those members who have given their permission to include information are included here.

Name e-mail Short Bio URL
David R. Waddell    
Don Johnson I've been hacking Perl since 1995. I run web sites for a couple of non-profit organizations like the Remington Elementary School PTA and Cub Scout Pack 224. My real job entails a lot of SGML/XML work and I enjoy using object oriented Perl techniques to get what I need done. I'm also a Linux enthusiast.
Greg Walters I'm a self taught Perl programmer, and use Perl for all of the CGI programs I write.  
Jeremy Russell   I am married, have a son, and enjoy watching Veggie Tales (VT). My favorite part of VT is "Silly Songs with Larry". My personal favorite of these songs is "Oh, Where is My Hairbrush"; it has deep personal meaning and significance for me. Each and every time I hear it I feel that special bond I have with Larry grow. Oh, the tragedy.  
John Evans I'm an all-around computer geek that enjoys writing software to help make day-to-day life easier. AI's fascinate me and I have started gathering all of the information that I can about them. I have even heard of a PerlAI that exists! I program in Perl, C++, Java, PHP and Javascript on a daily basis. I am currently a system administrator for where we use a little Perl for automating tasks, checking logs and making life easier on the SAs. I plan on swamping in as much Perl as possible to make things easier to take care of around here.
Ken Scott      
Larry Von De Bur    
Matt Long contactus.html My original response to Perl was, "nah, I don't need that". Then, I was thrown into a job where Perl was required. I got a quick tutorial and I discovered the ugliest most beautiful language I had ever used. I have used perl for many things. Mainly I've used it for things such as maintaining a dialup connection, building dynamic data-driven web sites, and creating text parsing scripts (Regular expressions Rock!!!). You can see some of the stuff I've created at my web site (see URL).
Michael J. Barillier JAPH
Mike Hansen Mike is a Programmer/Analyst in Colorado Springs working on a couple of Perl web app projects and is slowly turning to the dark side, dabbling in Python.  
Rob Nagler I specialize in distributed systems. I run a small consulting group in Boulder. We use perl as much as we can. We do Java/C/C++ when we have to. We built a powerful application framework in perl which is available under the Artistic License.
Steve Swickard I just started to learn Perl and am doing so on my own with an O'Reilly book, and using Perl on a Linux machine. So far no real problems. I am not a programmer by profession but a technician. We have used Perl though at work and probably more so in the future.
Tim Chambers ><> I founded this group, and am the webmaster. I used to write Perl code all day long. Now I hack Linux for HP and am available to perform a variety of professional software-related services (including Perl).
Vance Dubberly / I am the Director of Application Development at and am engaged mostly in building c2b and b2b web applications developed almost exclusively in mod_perl/MySQL. /

Last Updated: 26 November 2004

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